The Printer's Terms. Rudolf Hostettler

The Printer's Terms. Rudolf Hostettler


The Printer's Terms. Rudolf Hostettler. 1949 (this version 1963, 4th revised edition).

Technical terms of the printing industry. Published by Rudolf Hostettler. St Gallen. Printed by Zollikofer.

German language, as well as English, French, Italian and Dutch. 200pp.

The first edition was published under the 'sgm books' series. This edition was published solely by Hostettler.

With dust jacket, although part of the back dust jacket is missing.

A meticulously written book/dictionary of typography and printing specifications.

Hostettler trained as compositor in Zollikofen and then studied at the LCP in London before becoming the typographic designer for the printer Zollikofer from 1943-80. He also edited the magazine ’Typographische Monatsblätter’ from 1952-81.

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